DOI: 10.54647/management630162 22 Downloads 1042 Views
This study aimed to investigate and develop a framework for financing sustainable investments in photovoltaic (PV) systems and small-scale inverters for local communities in Soweto, South Africa. It also analyzed the impact of energy supply challenges on community well-being, socio-economic development, employment opportunities, and human development. A quantitative research approach was employed, involving data collection from Soweto residents and City Power employees through simple random sampling. A response rate of 92% was achieved. Pearson correlation and Chi-squared tests revealed a positive relationship between the value of funding for PV solar systems and the installation of small-scale inverters in Soweto Township. The analysis demonstrated that funding PV solar system installations can contribute to affordable, sustainable energy and economic growth in the region. These findings highlight the importance of exploring funding models that can facilitate the adoption of clean, sustainable energy solutions in townships.
Photovoltaic solar systems, Funding Models, Economic growth, Sustainable Development
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Siphamandla Mnyani, Dr Joseph Sigauke,
, SCIREA Journal of Management.
Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2025 | PP. 28-40.
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